Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense

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Simple past tense digunakan untuk memberikan informasi mengenai suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi pada waktu tertentu di masa lampau atau yang sudah lalu.

was / were usage

Rumus Simple Past Tense

Rumus simple past tense dibagi menjadi tiga jenis sesuai dengan penggunaannya, yaitu:

Affirmative (+) :

  • Subject + To be (was / were) + Adjective / Adverb / Noun
  • Subject + Verb II (or Verb I + ed) + Adverb

Negative (–) :

  • Subject + To be (was / were) + Not + Adjective / Adverb / Noun
  • Subject + Did + Not + Verb 1 + Adverb

Interrogative (?) :

  • To be ( was / were) + Subject + Adjective / Adverb / Noun
  • Did + Subject + Verb I + Adverb

Contoh Kalimat Simple Past Tense

  1. (+) The train was ten minutes late
  2. (–) The train was not ten minutes late
  3. (?) Was the train ten minutes late?
  1. (+) He worked in the bank for four years
  2. (–) he did not work in the bank for four years
  3. (?) Did he work in the bank for four years?
  1. (+) You walked to school yesterday
  2. (–) You did not walk to school yesterday
  3. (?) Did you walk to school yesterday?
  1. (+) I bought a book two days ago
  2. (–) I did not buy a book two days ago
  3. (?) Did I buy a book two days ago?
  1. (+) I was a student last year
  2. (–) I was not a student last year
  3. (?) Was I a student last year?
  1. (+) He was at my house two-days last week
  2. (–) He was not at my house two-days last week
  3. (?) Was he at my house two-days last week?
  1. (+) We helped our teacher yesterday morning
  2. (–) We did not help our teacher yesterday morning
  3. (?) Did we help our teacher yesterday morning?

Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense

Lengkapi soal di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang sesuai ‘to be’-nya (Was / Were)

  1. The kids ……. at a birthday party
  2. Jane …… very sick
  3. John and Jack…… very happy
  4. Peter …… in a big hurry
  5. Susan …… at the lobby when you were here
  6. I ate a hamburger when you …… in class
  7. I wish you …… at home
  8. The train …… ten minutes late
  9. You …. in  school yesterday
  10. I…… a student last year

Lengkapi kata atau kalimat yang kosong dengan jawaban yang sesuai.

1.(+) The cat … afraid of small mouse

(-) The cat … … afraid of small mouse


2.(+) You walked to school yesterday

(-) You … … walk to school yesterday


3.(+) He worked in the bank for four years

(-) He … … work in the bank for four years


4.(+) Susan … tired of cooking

(-) Susan … … tired of cooking


5. (+) You … at cinema last night

(-) You … … at cinema last night


6. (+) You were angry last week



7. (+) It was cold yesterday



8. (+)

(-) You were not angry last night


9. (+) He was on holiday last weekend




(-) We were not at school last month


11.(+) The children …. in the garden last night



12.(+) I was sad yesterday



13. (+)

(-) Mother … not happy yesterday


14.(+) They … in my office



15.(+) I … in hospital yesterday

(-) I … … in hospital yesterday


Jawaban Latihan

  1. The kids were at a birthday party
  2. Jane was very sick
  3. John and Jack were very happy
  4. Peter was in a big hurry
  5. Susan was at the lobby when you were here
  6. I ate a hamburger when you were in class
  7. I wish you were at home
  8. The train was ten minutes late
  9. You were in school yesterday
  10. I was a student last year

1.(+) The cat was afraid of small mouse

(-) The cat was not afraid of small mouse

(?) Was the cat afraid of small mouse?

2.(+) You walked to school yesterday

(-) You did not walk to school yesterday

(?) Did you walk to school yesterday?

3.(+) He worked in the bank for four years

(-) He did not work in the bank for four years

(?) Did he work in the bank for four years?

4.(+) Susan was tired of cooking

(-) Susan was not tired of cooking

(?) Was Susan tired of cooking?

5. (+) You were at cinema last night

(-) You were not at cinema last night

(?) Were you at cinema last night?

6. (+) You were angry last week

(-) You were not angry last week

(?) Were you angry last week?

7. (+) It was cold yesterday

(-) It was not cold yesterday

(?) Was it cold yesterday?

8. (+) You were angry last night

(-) You were not angry last night

(?) Were you angry last night?

9. (+) He was on holiday last weekend

(-) He was not on holiday last weekend

(?) Was he on holiday last weekend?

10.(+) We were at school last month

(-) We were not at school last month

(?) Were we at school last month?

11.(+) The children were in the garden last night

(-) The children were not in the garden last night

(?) Were the children in the garden last night?

12.(+) I was sad yesterday

(-) I was not sad yesterday

(?) Was I sad yesterday?

13. (+) Mother was happy yesterday

(-) Mother was not happy yesterday

(?) Was mother happy yesterday?

14.(+) They were in my office

(-) They were not in my office

(?) Were they in my office?

15.(+) I was in hospital yesterday

(-) I was not in hospital yesterday

(?) Was I in hospital yesterday?
