8 Contoh Recount Text dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Recount Text adalah salah satu jenis teks dalam Bahasa Inggris yang berisi tentang kejadian di masa lalu yang dialami oleh seseorang. Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh dari recount text.

My Holiday to Pagar Alam

Last year, my family and I went to Pagar Alam, South Sumatera. It is 8 hours driving from Palembang. We went there by car. My dad drove the car and my mom sat next to him. My sister and I sat behind them.

We went from our house at 8 AM. Before we went, we made sure everything had been prepared such as our cloth, gadgets and meals. My dad reminded us to bring medicine, just in case we got dizzy during the trip. After four hours driving, we stopped in rest area. We had lunch in the caferia and bought some snacks too. Then, we continue our trip to Pagar Alam again.

I felt asleep for few hours. My mom wake me up when we arrived in Pagar Alam. We stayed in my uncle’s house there. My family and I were tired so we decide to explore the city on the next day.

I wake up at 7 AM on the next day. Everyone was ready to go to the Dempo mountain. I told them to wait for me. I took a bath in rush and had my breakfast quickly. After that, my family and my uncle’s family went together to the Dempo Mountain.

We finally arrived in Dempo Mountain. I saw a big tea garden there. That was very beautiful. It was all green. I talked to one of the tea pickers I met. He taught me how to pick the tea correctly. I tried it, and the man said what I did was good. It picked the tea correctly. That was so fun. 

I didn’t forget to take some pictures. I captured the beautiful scenery and selfies of my self too. I also took some pictures with my big family. Then, we went to my uncle’s home at 5 PM. The next day, we had to go back to Palembang again. We thanked to my uncle’s family for their best hospitality to us. My mom gave them some merchandise from Palembang. They were happy.

Then, we went back to Palembang at 9 AM and arrived in our house at evening. It was tiring but amazing trip. I hope I can go to Pagar Alam again next time.

Trip to Palembang

Last holiday, my family and I went to Palembang. We went there by car. We left Lampung at 7 AM. On the way to Palembang, we stopped few times to fill the fuel and also bought some snacks.

We arrived in Palembang around 11 PM. We stopped at Benteng Kuto Besak. At there, we saw Ampera Bridge and Musi River. It was a big river. The color was brown. 

We tried to ride a boat to explore the Musi River. My little brother was sacred so he and my mom just waited for us at the river side. I rode the boat together with my dad and my older sister. We enjoyed it a lot. My sister took a lot of pictures while we were on the boat. After riding the boat, we went back to our mom and little brother. 

We had lunch on the side of the Musi River. My sister and I ordered pempek while my mom, my dad and my brother ordered rice and fried chicken. Then, we walked around the river side and bought some souvenirs.

When it was 4 PM, we decided to go home. All of my siblings slept in the car while my dad was driving. My mom accompanied my dad talked. And I just played my phone all the way. Finally, we got home around 8 PM. All of us felt tired and just went to sleep once we arrived.

My Best Day Ever

It was last month. I just got back from school. I opened up my house’s door. It was very dark. The curtains are closed. I was confused because it was never like that before. 

I tried to turn on the lights. When the light was on, I was very surprised. All of my family were in the living room. My older sister held a birthday cake while my mom and my dad held gifts. There was a birthday’s banner with my name. There were some balloons too.

After that, my family sang the birthday’s song together. I blew the candle after saying my wish. Then, I cut the cake into small pieces and gave it to my family one by one. I got some gifts and opened it in front of them. One of the gifts I got was a new cell phone. I was very happy.

That was the best day ever in my life. I hope I will get another birthday surprise like that again.

My Birthday Party

I had a birthday party last Sunday. There were a lot of people in the party. There were my family, my neighbors, and my classmates too. There were also various food such as cake, cookies and other snacks. The room was full decorated with balloons and ribbons.

The party started at 2 PM. I sat in front of my birthday cake. All of the people sang birthday song. Then, I blew the candle and they all clapped for me. I cut the cake and gave it to my family. After that, the guests had their meal and we ate together.

I smiled a lot during the party. I was very happy. That was my best birthday party I ever had.

My Unforgettable Moment

When I was on my trip to Bali, I meet a very popular singer from Indonesia. He was Afgan. I meet him in Ngurah Rai Airport.

I was waiting for my mom near the departure gate. I played a game in my phone to kill the boredom. After that, my eyes caught a figure who was about 20 meters far from me. He was walking to the departure gate with three people with him. I knew it was Afgan because I am his fan.

Afgan was getting closer to me. I was very excited to see him directly. Once he passed in front of me, I called his name. He turned his head then waved his right hand to me. He smiled too! He continued walking until I couldn’t see him again.

Although I couldn’t take picture with Afgan, I was still happy. That was the unforgettable moment in my life.

Unforgettable Moment with My Best Friend

Last week, I spent my weekend with my best friend. We went to the mall in the afternoon. My friend picked me up. Then, we went together by her motorcycle.

When we arrived, we parked her motorcycle. After that, we got in to the mall. It was very crowded. A lot of people were standing in the hall. They were watching the singer on the stage. It was Tiara Andini. She is a very famous singer. My friend and I joined the crowd too. We watched Tiara’s performance together with the other people.

After singing a song, Tiara invited the people to play a quiz. She gave a question and the one who could answer it would get her new album for free. My friend and I were excited. We tried our luck to get the free album. 

Tiara started to give the first question. Fortunately, my friend knew the answer. She raised her hand to answer. Tiara noticed her and invited to come to the stage. My friend was very happy. She walked to the stage and then answer the question. Then, Tiara clapped her hands. She said my friend’s answer was correct. 

Tiara gave the new album and she said that my friend could take a selfie with her too as a bonus. My friend suddenly said to Tiara to invited me to join the selfie. Tiara allowed it! I came to the stage soon as Tiara called me then took selfie together with my friend.

That was wonderful. I was very happy that I could meet and take selfie with a famous singer. I will never forget it because it was one of the unforgettable moment in my life.

Unlucky Day

Last weekend, I was alone in my house. All of my family to my aunt’s house. They left home in the morning when I was still sleeping. I woke up at 10 AM and there was nobody.

I was hungry so I tried to look for food in the kitchen. Unfortunately, there was nothing there. I put on my jacket and went outside to buy some food. I didn’t know why all the food seller closed that day. I couldn’t buy any food so I went back home again. 

I tried to order food with delivery order service. I ordered fried chicken and french fries. While waiting for my food came, I took a bath. After that, I waited my food in living room and played game in my phone. It was already 30 minutes but my food hadn’t come yet. I was starving.

The food came not long after I called the driver. When the driver went away, I opened up my food and ready to eat. I was surprised because this is not the menu I ordered. I ordered regular fried chicken but the one I got was spicy fried chicken. I didn’t want eat spicy food but because I was starving, I ate it.

Actually I couldn’t eat spicy food because I often got stomachache after eating it. And it happened. Few minutes after eating the spicy fried chicken, I got stomachache. It really hurted. So I called my family to get home soon.

It was really my unlucky day because I got stomachache all day long. I wouldn’t eat spicy food anymore!

Unlucky Day at School

It was Monday. I woke up late so I took a bath quickly. I didn’t have my breakfast because I was afraid I would be late to come on time. If I was late, I had to wait near the school’s gate and couldn’t join the flag ceremony.

I run to the school but I still couldn’t make it. I was late. The flag ceremony already started. So, I waited inside the school but near the school’s gate with the other late students. 

When the flag ceremony was over, we got the punishment from the teacher. We had to sing a national song one by one. I was the first student to sing. I was shy but still had to sing. I started singing but my voice cracked in the middle of the song. The late students and our teacher laughed. 

I was very embarrassed. That was really my unlucky day. From now on, I don’t want to be a late again so I don’t have to sing in front of people.
