Contoh Kalimat dan Latihan Soal Simple Present Tense

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Rumus dan Contoh Simple Present Tense

Rumus simple present tense dibagi menjadi tiga jenis kalimat, yaitu:

1. Rumus Kalimat Bentuk Affirmative

Subject + Verb I / To Be (is, am, are) + Object


  • I take a note every day.
  • He dries his cloth every morning.

2. Rumus Kalimat Bentuk Negative

  • Subject + Don’t / Doesn’t + Verb I + Object
  • Subject + To Be (is, am, are) + not + Object


  • He doesn’t care about the exam.
  • I am not like her.
  • I don’t think its appropiate.

3. Rumus Kalimat Bentuk Interrogative

Do / Does + Subject + Verb I + Object


  • Does she read the magazine?
  • Do you think she likes the poem?

Latihan Soal

Untuk memahami lebih lanjut, mari mengerjakan beberapa contoh soal di bawah dan periksalah jawaban anda di bagian akhir artikel ini.

Isilah bagian kosong pada kalimat di bawah ini:

1. She ____ fried chicken every day.
a. to eat
b. eat
c. eats
d. eating

2. I ____ spicy beef.
a. cook
b. cooks
c. cooking
d. to cook

3. She ____ her homework.
a. do
b. does
c. did
d. to do

4. They ____ math twice a week.
a. studies
b. study
c. to study
d. studying

5. Susi and Tina ____ a novel.
a. read
b. reads
c. to read
d. reading

6. I ____ always ____ my dictionary.
a. does not / bring
b. do not / brings
c. does not / brings
d. do not / bring

7. Ani ____ in the kitchen.
a. do not cook
b. does not cooks
c. does not cook
d. do not cooks

8. Where ____ you ____ the math test?
a. do / took
b. do / take
c. does / takes
d. does / take

9. He ____ diligent student
a. is
b. do
c. does
d. doesn’t

10. ____ she do her homework?
a. Do
b. Does
c. Is
d. Don’t

11. ____ Tom and Andy take a note?
a. Does
b. Do
c. Is
d. Are

12. One of my friends always ____ to Surabaya every month.
a. go
b. goes
c. went
d. to go

13. Our math teacher ____ check absent properly.
a. do not
b. is not
c. does not
d. are not

14. ____ the dog eat dog food every morning?
a. Does
b. Do
c. Is
d. Don’t

15. My sister always ____ half of my cake every morning.
a. take
b. took
c. takes
d. is taking

16. Selanjutnya, ubahlah kalimat affirmative berikut ke dalam bentuk negative dan interrogative.

  • He goes to school every morning.
  • My father and mother are in the hotel.
  • My dog leaves vet.
  • The security officer at the hotel walks around the building once every two hours.
  • Ms. Stina is always smile to every student.

Jawaban Latihan

  1. eats
  2. cook
  3. does
  4. study
  5. read
  6. do not / bring
  7. does not cook
  8. do / take
  9. is
  10. Does
  11. Do
  12. goes
  13. does not
  14. Does
  15. takes
  16. Bentuk kalimat affirmative (+), negative (-) dan interrogative (?):
  • (+) He goes to school every morning.
    (-) He does not go to school every morning.
    (?) Does he go to school every morning?
  • (+) My father and mother are in the hotel.
    (-) My father and mother are not in the hotel.
    (?) Are my father and mother in the hotel?
  • (+) My dog leaves vet.
    (-) My dog does not leave vet.
    (?) Does my dog leave vet?
  • (+) The security officer at the hotel walks around the building once every two hours.
    (-) The security officer at the hotel does not walk around the building once every two hours.
    (?) Does the security officer at the hotel walk around the building once every two hours?
  • (+) Ms. Stina is always kind to every student.
    (-) Ms. Stina is not always kind to every student.
    (?) Is Ms. Stina always kind to every student?

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