Direct and Indirect Speech: Pengertian dan Contoh Penggunaan

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Direct Speech

Direct speech digunakan untuk menjelaskan kalimat dari seseorang dengan cara mengulangi kalimat si pembicara tanpa disertai tambahan kata apapun. Ciri Direct Speech yaitu berupa kutipan langsung yang diapit oleh dua tanda kutip dan diawali dengan tanda koma (,).

Contoh Kalimat Direct Speech:

  • The lecturer said, “I study about the strategy of Public Relations.”
  • Rani said, “I want to meet the personal manager.”

Kedua kalimat diatas menerangkan bahwa si penutur bermaksud menjelaskan ungkapan dari dosen dan Rani dengan cara mengulangi, tanpa disertai tambahan keterangan apapun.

Indirect Speech

Indirect Speech digunakan untuk menjelaskan ucapan seseorang bermakna sama tanpa mengurangi kalimat dari si pembicara. Ciri indirect speech yaitu menggunakan kata penghubung that, perubahan kata ganti dan tenses.

Contoh Kalimat Indirect Speech:

  • Marina said, “I like the structure and function of communication in society.” (Direct Speech) — Marina said that she liked the structure and function of communication in society. (Indirect Speech)
  • R.G Miller admitted, “The control of attitudes and behaviors of public is considerably narrower than the all inclusive goal of living comfortably in one’s environment.” (Direct Speech) — R.G Miller admitted that the control of attitudes and behaviors of public is considerably narrower than the all inclusive goal of living comfortably in one’s environment.

Beberapa kata yang biasanya digunakan sebagai kata pengantar dalam direct speech seperti say, explain, tell, think. Kata-kata yang biasanya digunakan sebagai reporting verb ini biasanya juga ditambahkan kata bantu modal (can, will, should, must).

  • Apabila reporting verb dalam direct speech berbentuk present tense, present perfect tense dan future tense. Kata kerjanya pun tidak berubah.

Contoh kalimat:

  • She says, “I am hungry.” (Direct Speech) — She says that she is hungry (Indirect Speech)
  • Keyra has said, “I am reporting the news.” (Direct Speech) — Keyra has said that she is reporting the news (Indirect Speech)
  • Apabila reporting verb dalam direct speech berbentuk simple past tense, kata kerja dalam indirect speech berubah menjadi beberapa pola bentuk tense yang lain.

Contoh kalimat:

  • Pola pertama: Present Tense —> Past Tense

He said, “The boss is wise.” (Direct Speech) — He said that the boss was wise (Indirect Speech).

  • Pola kedua: Past Tense —> Past Perfect Tense

She said, “I was culpable.” (Direct Speech) — She said that she had been culpable (Indirect Speech)

  • Pola ketiga: Present Continuous Tense —> Past Continuous Tense

Tomi said, “The baby is crying now.” (Direct Speech) — Tomi said that the baby was crying then (Indirect Speech)

  • Pola ke-empat: Present Perfect —> Past Perfect Tense

He said, “I have sent the letter.” (Direct Speech) —> He said that the had sent the letter (Indirect Speech)

Dani said, “I will buy the new house.” (Direct Speech) —> Dani said that he would buy the new house (Indirect Speech)
