Bahasa Inggris

Simple Present Tense: Pengertian, Rumus dan Contohnya

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Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang terjadi saat ini, atau kejadian yang berulang kali terjadi seperti kebiasaan sehari-hari.

Rumus Simple Present Tense

Formula atau rumus simple present tense adalah:

Kalimat Affirmative (+)

  • Subject + To be (is, am, are) + Adjective/Noun/Adverb
  • Subject + Verb I + s/es (penambahan s/es untuk subject he/she/it) + Adverb

Kalimat Negative (-)

  • Subject + To be (is, am, are) + not + Adjective/Noun/Adverb
  • Subject + Do / Does + not + Verb I + Adverb

Kalimat Interrogative (?)

  • To be (is, am, are) + Subject + Adjective/Noun/Adverb
  • Do / Does + Subject + Verb I + Adverb
Subject To Be Do / Does
subject + to be pattern

Contoh Simple Present Tense

Mari perhatikan contoh berikut:

(+) She is very happy.
(-) She is not very happy.
(?) Is she very happy?

Pada kalimat di atas, She sebagai subject, is sebagai to be dan happy merupakan adjective/kata sifat. Contoh lainnya:

  • (+) I am lazy.
    (-) I am not lazy.
    (?) Am I lazy?
  • (+) They are very famous.
    (-) They are not very famous.
    (?) Are they very famous?
  • (+) You are a student.
    (-) You are not a student.
    (?) Are you a student?

Mari perhatikan contoh selanjutnya:

(+) She does her homework.
(-) She does not do her homework.
(?) Does she do her homework?

Pada kalimat di atas, She sebagai subject, does merupakan verb/kata kerja bentuk pertama (do) + es. Contoh lainnya:

  • (+) He goes to school every morning.
    (-) He does not go to school every morning.
    (?) Does he go to school every morning?
  • (+) Ani cooks in the kitchen.
    (-) Ani does not cook in the kitchen.
    (?) Does Ani cook in the kitchen?
  • (+) They watch movies every weekend.
    (-) They do not watch movies every weekend.
    (?) Do they watch movies every weekend?

Pada umumnya kata kerja dasar/Verb I/Infinitive, berakhiran vokal+y, dan berakhiran e, akhirannya ditambah “s”, contohnya:

  • to bring = brings
  • to eat = eats
  • to make = makes
  • play = plays
  • say = says
  • enjoy = enjoys
  • operate = operates
  • imitate = imitates
  • evaluate = evaluates

Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran o, e, ch, sh, x, dan z, akhirannya ditambahkan “es”, contohnya:

  • attach = attaches
  • wish = wishesc
  • mix = mixes
  • go = goes
  • box = boxes

Kata kerja dasar yang berakhiran konsonan+y, akhirannya “y” diganti “i” dan ditambahkan “es”, contohnya:

  • apply = applies
  • fly = flies
  • amplify = amplifies
  • study = studies

Berikut ini coontoh-contoh lain kalimat menggunakan simple present tense affirmative (+), negative (-), interrogative (?).

  • (+) Mario is the President of MarioLand.
    (-) Mario is not the President of MarioLand.
    (?) Is Mario the President of MarioLand?
  • (+) She reads a book every night.
    (-) She does not read a book every night.
    (?) Does she read a book every night?
  • (+) They watch new movies every Friday.
    (-) They do not watch new movies every Friday.
    (?) Do they watch new movies every Friday?
  • (+) Ririn takes math lessons every Monday.
    (-) Ririn does not take math lessons every Monday.
    (?) Does Ririn take math lessons every Monday?
  • (+) Andi sleeps for five hours every Monday.
    (-) Andi does not sleep for five hours every Monday.
    (?) Does Andi sleep for five hours every Monday?