Announcement Text: Pengertian, Ciri-Ciri dan Contohnya

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Di beberapa tempat sering kita melihat beberapa contoh dari functional text seperti pengumuman, iklan dan lain sebagainya. Pengumuman atau dalam bahasa Inggris yakni announcement biasanya disampaikan secara lisan maupun tulisan.

Namun saat ini pengumuman paling banyak lakukan dengan menggunakan teks, sehingga muncullah istilah announcement text. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut apa itu announcement text, mari kita simak penjelasannya di bawah ini!

Pengertian Announcement Text

Announcement text merupakan sebuah teks yang berisi tentang pemberitahuan atau pernyataan resmi yang disampaikan secara tulisan mengenai hal-hal yang diketahui oleh banyak orang.

Banyak orang di sini bukan berarti semua orang, hanya orang-orang tertentu saja yang memiliki kepentingan atas pengumuman tersebut.

Announcement text berfungsi untuk memberitahukan informasi mengenai sebuah acara tertentu yang disampaikan secara formal kepada masyarakat umum ataupun masyarakat tertentu.

Ciri-Ciri Announcement Text

Ciri-ciri dari announcement text antara lain sebagai berikut:

  1. Terdapat judul atau jenis kejadian.
  2. Menggunakan kalimat simple present tense, namun tidak jarang juga menggunakan simple future tense.
  3. Menggunakan conjunction atau kata penghubung.
  4. Terdapat keterangan waktu seperti date (tanggal), time (waktu), dan place (tempat) yang menjadi bagian dari announcement text.
  5. Terdapat address dan contact person yang bisa dihubungi.
  6. Ada peristiwa atau acara.

Struktur Announcement Text

Generic Structure Announcement Text:

  1. Title, menjadi bagian paling penting sebab mewakili dari keseluruhan isi pengumuman. Meskipun begitu, terkadang tidak disebutkan secara jelas.
  2. Explanation, merupakan penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai pengumuman tersebut. Umumnya terdiri dari informasi dasar mengenai kegiatan, waktu, tempat, hingga partisipan yang hadir.

Adapun bagian-bagian dari Announcement text antara lain:

  • The title or type of event (judul atau jenis kejadian)
  • Date and time (tanggal dan waktu)
  • Place (tempat)
  • Address and contact person (alamat dan kontak orang yang dapat dihubungi)

Jenis-Jenis Announcement Text

Ada beragam jenis announcement text yang umumnya bisa kita temukan, antara lain:

  1. Missing person (orang hilang)
  2. Wedding invitation, birthday party,and inauguration (undangan pernikahan, ulang tahun, dan peresmian)
  3. Job vacancy (lowongan pekerjaan)
  4. Advertisement (iklan)
  5. Condolences (berita duka)
  6. Activity report (laporan kegiatan)
  7. Information from Goverment (informasi dari pemerintah)

Contoh Announcement Text

Announcement text about National Education Day

In commemoration of National Education Day 2018, it is notifed to all the students of SMA 28 that the school will hold a quiz competition between classes, which will be held on 28 to 29 April 2018 in the Auditorium of SMA 01. Please each class enrolled 3 people representatives. Thus we submit this announcement. Thank you for your attention.

Bandung, 20 April 2018

Chairman of The Student,

Niko Putra

Announcement text about Indonesian Indepedence Day


In commoration of the 74th Indonesian Independence Day, the management will hold an inter-division competition which will be held on Friday, August 16, 2016. The competition that will be held are tug-war race, cracker-eating contest, and futsal competition. We are waiting for each division to send the representative names to HR division no later than Wednesday, August 14, 2016.

Sincerely yours,

HRD Manager of PT. Candra Bakti

Budi Setyadi

Announcement text about job vacancy

Job Vacancy

PT. Sukses Sejahtera is looking for passionate individual to join our team as Accounting Staff with the qualifications below:

  • Male/Female.
  • Minimum bachelor degree in Accounting or Management Course with 1 year experience in the same field.
  • Can operate Ms. Office and SAP.
  • Accustomed to making financial reports and understanding about VAT, PPh 21, PPh 25, and individual taxes.
  • Able to work under pressure.
  • Willing to work overtime.
  • Willing to be placed in all work areas of the company.

Send your application in the form of a CV and cover letter via email no later than 20 October 2019. Only candidates who meet the requirements will be contacted further.

Announcement text about missing person

Missing Child

Name: Jovita Putri
Age: 11 years old
Height: 135 cm
Weight: 38 kg

Additional information:
Last seen wearing a red school tracksuits of 05 Elementary School Jakarta, black shoes, a purple backpack with picture of Hello Kitty animation.

There is mole in her chin.

Last seen in breaktime at the elementary schoolyard
If you found or has information about this child, please contact the numbers below:

Rosa (0813 1234 5678)
Ken (0812 8765 4321)

You can also contact the police, the security, or other authorities. Your help is really needed.

Thank you.

Announcement text about condolences


We wish to express our deepest Condolences on the passing of Amir Daud, The first chief editor of The Jakarta Post (78 years of age) on Saturday,October, 9,2015.

His body is laid out at Jl.Sawo Raya no.2 Rawamangun,East Jakarta.

Burial will be in Tanah Kusir Cemetery, South Jakarta On Sunday,October,4,2015

May God almighty bless and keep him


The management and staff of The Jakarta Post
